Looking for Tips on Flying the CP65

I’m days away from getting our 1940 Porterfield C65 airworthy after not flying since the 1960’s. I am seeking any advice from those with experience flying the skinny bird. We do not have anyone in my area familiar with the type for a formal check out so at this point I am planning to just take it out like I stole from Dad’s garage. Insurance is fine with my total tail wheel time( predominately in a Stinson 108-1)but they want 10 hours in type first before coverage begins. Worst case senecio as an A&P/IA I can likely fix any thing I bend up but I really would really like avoid this option. Any advice or criticism from an experienced stick jockey is welcomed(ie, wheel vs three point landings, takeoff/approach speeds…). Thanks, Trevor
  • Andy Gelston

    Thank you for getting another Skinny Bird flying, Trevor!

    The Collegiate is very similar to the Champ and Cub taxiing and taking off. Landing, it is best to come in a bit high and slip as needed, or carry some power. Like the Cub & Champ, 60mph is a good number to keep in mind for approach, landing, taking off, and climbing out.


    She likes to three point land, but it takes a few landings to get a feel for the power/energy management to avoid dropping her in and bouncing a few times, which she’s happy to oblige you with. This happens if she get’s too slow, but hasn’t stalled yet. Without carrying some power, she drops like a rock, similar to a Taylorcraft. If you bring her in a bit too fast, she’ll just float along in ground effect and you may as well throttle back up and make it look like a low speed pass to save your ego, unless you have plenty of runway before you.

    I usually shut the gas off on my way to the hangar/tie-down area to drain the carb bowl as a way to shut down, but that takes a bit of trial and error to get the timing right. The Shinn brakes are pretty effective to assist with turns on pavement and hold her still during engine run-up. 

    If you’ve worked up any checklists, I advise you sit in the cockpit for an hour or so, going through them, placing your hands and eyes on the controls, gauges, etc, so you know exactly where they are when you’re moving. Then you can focus on the flying and not looking for something in the cockpit.

    The cockpit does seem claustrophobic at first, but by the time you get to the end of the runway to take off, you’ve become acclimated to having that instrument panel one foot away from your face. I sure hope you installed shoulder harnesses!

    Soft landings, Andy

  • Jerri & Chris Bergen

    I'm a bit late in this conversation but I wanted to say that Andy has given some great advice for a new Porterfield owner.  The CP-65 is the sweetest flying airplane that I have ever had the pleasure to fly.  One thing you may want to experiment with is your short final speed.  I normally fly 60 mph in the pattern and 55 over the fence.  It will help shorten your ground effect float.

    Blue Skies,
