NC25577 on Wikipedia

Today (28 Dec) Porterfield NC25577 appeared on the main page of Wikipedia, as supporting cast in the Ercoupe RATO picture taken at March AFB in 1941. N25577 is listed on the FAA register to a balloon, so what happened to the Porterfield?

ZL flying again with new tailwheel spring and rudder horn - obtained via Ebay from the USA, new old stock.

  • Andy Gelston

    I'm glad to hear ol' ZL is back in the air with her NOS spring and horn (sounds like the name of a pub)!  41Vermont has had 3 registration numbers in her lifetime, so who knows what became of 577?  With the all wood wing, many a Collegiate were scrapped for their firewall forward, instruments, and wheels, thus there are only about 10% left.  All the more reason to get these old gals restored and keep them flying so everyone will know Ed's girls are still around and awesome!

  • Tom Porterfield

    I have never found anything on record of NC25577. It's serial # should be 677 in sequence with other N #'s of Porterfields.