Mike Rosman


Eagle, WI

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I like to fly and work on airplanes. I am one of five founders of a group called 88 Charlies Inc. that owns a Porterfield 75C.
Do you own a Porterfield Airplane? N#?
Partial owner of a 75C
Are You a Pilot? Ratings?
Do you have a MYSPACE profile, email address or personal website that you would like to share with others?

Comment Wall:

  • Tom Porterfield


    Welcome to our Porterfield Club on-line. I hve visited the 88 Charlies site before as well as tonight. It is a great thing you do to get the kids involved in aviation. Is the 75C flyable, or are you going to start rebuilding it, as it is listed under projects on your site. It's good to have you aboard.

    Tom Porterfield

  • Jason Algra

    I am probably going to bring my Porterfield out from Chino in May.   If you want to tool around on that sometime let me know. 



  • Jason Algra

    Sweet,  you can show me how you did your cabin heat on your Sonex then as well.  I definitely want it in mine.  Winters are too damn cold in Wiscompton not to have it.  We will have to head out for lunch somewhere.  You fly, I buy!