Mike Polley


Upland, CA

United States

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About Me:
Restoring a 1941 CP-65
We have 3 flying Porterfields based here at Cable Airport.
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  • Steve Sharpe


    Do you mean the internal wing rigging or the adjustment of the wings using the rear strut fork after fitting? If the former, we didn't do anything, just had the wings stripped and inspected for any damage, which was fairly minimal and easily repaired. We refitted the wings with the rear struts set to the same length as before, on the basis of if it ain't bust don't fix it. The aircraft has flown with a slight aileron imbalance - the left one droops a bit in level flight - for the last 20 years, so we've been adjusting the wings and ailerons by trial and error to eliminate it, not quite there yet but making progress.

    We may have been a bit more scientific about the rigging at our first rebuild 23 years ago, but I really can't remember the details after so long. Sorry I can't be of much assistance.

    I will hopefully be visiting my sister in Claremont in October for a week or so, with a couple of friends. We hope to be doing a bit of flying at Cable so maybe we can catch up then.



  • Tom Porterfield

    Mike, Chuck Lebrecht might be able to guid you in your wing rigging. He was the Porterfield Airplane Club President for many years. He enjoys talking Porterfields and just turned 91 or 2 yrs old. His # in Florida is 352-687-4859. I just talked with him last week.


  • Allison H.

    Mike! You have Bill Burkey's old Porterfield, yeah?