Gene Morris


Roanoke, TX

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I soloed a Porterfield LP-65 6-12-45 at Springfield, Mo. I now own, and have owned, an American Eaglet, since 1975. It's presently "down",having put me in an uncut wheat field June 2007. Ole Zeke blew another jug. Zeke is all ready to go again, but I have to sell my Culver Cadet to make room in my hangar for it.
I've flown several Porterfields through the years land can tell
Do you own a Porterfield Airplane? N#?
No, I own a Porterfield's Grandfather, Americn Eaglet
Are You a Pilot? Ratings?

Comment Wall:

  • Tom Porterfield


    Welcome to our Porterfield Airplane Club on-line. I have been contemplating contacting American Eagle owners to join our Club, so it is a pleasure that you have joined with us. I hope you will share pictures of your Eaglet and any old Porterfield pictures you have with us. Welcome aboard. If you know of any other American Eagle or Porterfield owners, please do encourage them to join with us.

    Thank You

    Tom Porterfield