Bill Bussel


Logan, Ohio

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Interested in light planes, had a Tri Pacer and made the mistake of selling it.
Do you own a Porterfield Airplane? N#?
Are You a Pilot? Ratings?

Comment Wall:

  • Andy Gelston

    Welcome to our wee club for the Skinny Birds, Bill! If you're less than 5' 10" tall and weigh less than 180 pounds, you should fit comfortably in a Porterfield. They gross at under 1320 pounds, so they qualify for light sport. They come up for sale from time to time for considerably less than a J-3 Cub, but fly oh so much nicer, and faster, too, on the same power. Look through the Forum, Blogs, Videos and Photos sections to learn more about Porterfields.