Jim Beaumont


Caldwell, Idaho

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Retired pilot. I own a Pa-20 and thinking of possibly trading for a Porterfield. My Dad instructed in Porterfields in the CPT.
Do you own a Porterfield Airplane? N#?
Not yet!
Are You a Pilot? Ratings?

Comment Wall:

  • Andy Gelston

    Welcome to our wee club for the skinny birds, Jim! You’ll find lots of information in the Forum & Blogs, as well as videos and photos.

    There are several flyable Porterfields on the market now and many more projects. Collegiates are somewhat diminutive inside: if you are much larger than 5’10” and 180 pounds, you may not be comfortable in the front seat, where these old gals are soloed from.

    Soft landings,
