Porterfield Airplane Club

Keep the Skinny Birds Flying Safely

ZL has been flown a lot this year, with few problems. Annual permit was obtained in July in time for the Summer displays and fly-ins. In August I took ZL to the Dunsfold Air Display in Surrey for the day, that's the airfield where the UK Top Gear show is recorded. The main purpose was to see the Vulcan displaying, unfortunately it went tech on the day so didn't appear, however 3 Hawker Hunters stood in. The following weekend we visited the LAA Rally in Northamptonshire, 2 visits were planned but the weather closed in on the second day. ZL was also in the static display at Oxford Airport for their annual public display.

The highlight of the year was an invitation to ground display in the aviation part of the Goodwood Revival, for the whole weekend. Goodwood is an airfield and motor racing venue on the S coast - there's also a horse racing course and a stately country house, the home of the Earl of March, who owns/runs the whole thing. Many famous celebs turn up, it's a great social gathering, you certainly see how the other half live!

The Revival is a 30s to 60s themed event, centered around 3 days of classic motor racing, you are encouraged to dress in period, which Paul and I were happy to do. About 20 aircraft were displayed, including a B17, Me109, Supermarine S6, Swordfish, Hawker Demon, Globe Swift and even a Brantley helicopter. The organisers want rare aircraft. The air display was devoted to Spitfires, which were based at Goodwood in WW2, 10 flew in formation every day.  We had a dedicated pilot's tent,  food, drink and access all areas, all for free as we were officially displaying. There were a couple of champagne receptions, although regrettably we missed out on the grand ball on the Saturday, which we now deeply regret, as we hear it was the party of the decade! The event organisation was fantastic, the cars and bikes magnificent, driven with gusto despite their value.  Hoping for another invitation next year, when we will definitely go to the ball. I'll upload some pictures.

I've done several long day trips recently as we've had good weather during the autumn, including a lot of flying along the S coast and around the Isle of Wight, also up to Wales on a couple of occasions.

ZL is now fitted with a Trig Mode S transponder, in preparation for the Olympic restrictions next year.  It also helps out with getting direct clearances through control zones, cutting track miles on long trips, and in getting a decent radar service when required.

A few jobs to do over the winter, including rebushing the landing gear and assorted tidying up.

I saw Brian and Richard, the owners of the other UK Porterfield,  at Goodwood the other week, they were visiting in their Bolkow. Apparently she is still airworthy, but doesn't get flown very often, they have several vintage aircraft in their collection.

All the best everybody over the Winter.

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