Porterfield Airplane Club

Keep the Skinny Birds Flying Safely

I've got a few scrap items that I need to get rid of... some are from a Porterfield ..

These are really to large to ship and I hate to just cut them up and throw them away.

They are NOT serviceable parts.

Perhaps they could be used for somebodies projects... so I am appealing to the club members to stay on the lookout for somebody that could creatively repurpose some items.... I'll update this post/thread with items as i get better pictures, etc.


There are pieces to a front spar and a rear spar off a Collegiate. The spar was cut. 

This came from an airframe my dad and I salvaged in the 1960s. It was a barn find, but the farmer didn't know how to remove wings and simply cut them off and put them in a barn.

My thoughts are the spars could be used for making other parts; re-saw into strips, gussets, etc. for making other items for another wood aircraft; Porterfield, Taylorcraft, or whatever....

These pieces are to long to ship. Or if cut for shipment... then that's it.

Turtle-deck Stringers

I think these are stringers from the rear deck on the Porterfield we salvaged, but they may be from a different airframe...

Suggestions are welcome. If you need to contact me directly, send me an email with "Porterfield Stuff" in the title. I've been working with Andy a bit on some items as well....

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