Porterfield Airplane Club

Keep the Skinny Birds Flying Safely

A few weeks ago, my dad and I resumed the restoration of his Collegiate.  This time we have help from a friend who's an A&P and another who's an IA.

The wings and engine were rebuilt, and the fuselage was hand sanded and repainted.  We have most of the old parts, but many of them, including the wing struts, windscreen, cowling, and cables, need to be replaced.

We also need a few critical drawings.  At the moment, drawings of the engine compartment for the LP-65 would be helpful.

Although there's much to do, I would like to have it airworthy by summer 2021.

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Comment by Dennis Biro on July 20, 2021 at 3:52am

I can remberd making that same cowling by hand, there was a lot of pounding on the aluminum with a wood and then a rubber hammer, bacteria several hours on this project, I found that I was short on one end, the story of my life! The only thing to do was start over.

I learned a lot by doing the first one. All of this was done by hand, removing the little pumps with a small file and then sanding out the rest with 400 sand paper, a lot of work, but well worth the labor, when all done, it looked like a factory made piece.

You can probably still get windshields made by a company that has a shop At Signel Hill California, I do not remember the name, they are probably still in business, I'm shure.

Dennis Biro, who us to own a 1941 Porterfield, NC 37768, with a 65HP engine, which I use to use as a tow plane, towing banners for a radio station in Southern California every weekend in the summer months, {WKFI IN THE SKY-950 AM On YOUR DIAL}

Comment by Bryant Chambers on May 15, 2021 at 12:48pm

This photo was taken a few weeks ago.

Comment by Bryant Chambers on May 15, 2021 at 12:45pm

Here's Nate Richmond, from Richmond & Associates LLC, instructing Lisa Outland, A&P with Preferred Airparts, on how to reproduce the cowling using the English wheel.

Comment by Bryant Chambers on May 15, 2021 at 12:38pm

Here's dad, aka Keith.

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