Porterfield Airplane Club

Keep the Skinny Birds Flying Safely

Back at the end of December I had the misfortune of tipping my Skinny Bird on its nose. Nearing the end of the landing roll I felt like I didn’t have much rudder authority and drifting to the right so I used some right brake, next thing i knew the tail was coming up. Making sure I had full back stick and the brake released the tail continued to rise until i watched 1 blade of the prop turn to splinters. Wind conditions were variable and I believe I had a bit of help from a tailwind to lift the tail as well.

Anyhow, now I’m in the process of an engine bulk strip and various repairs.

Back to the title for discussion. The engine has always seemed to run cool (about 140F) with considerable condensation build up on the dipstick. There is a small baffle at the bottom of the crankcase getting its airflow from the vent below the prop. I’ve posted a picture of the sad looking front showing the vent in question. The man who is carrying out repairs to the nose, is suggesting to block the vent off because the upper air inlets are very large and will provide adequate cooling on their own. Curious to hear people’s thoughts on this? I’ve also posted a picture showing the baffle in question. Plus the broken manifold.

P.S. Apart from a broken aeroplane, nobody got hurt! Only a very dented pride!

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The lower nosebowl opening is usually blocked off with a piece of sheet metal in the winter, and your opening is huge compared to the stock nosebowl.

As counter intuitive as it may seem, when in a rollout situation like this, with full aft stick and right rudder, apply some power as you apply the brake to reestablish elevator and rudder authority. This will help keep the nose up, unless you have a gust on your six.

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