Porterfield Airplane Club

Keep the Skinny Birds Flying Safely

The Porterfield Story - Antique Airplane Association - By Chuck Lebrecht

I have been reviewing collected materials from dad's files again....

My latest effort involves looking through a stack of Antique Airplane Association magazines. There are about 50 issues in the stack; from the years 1961 thru 1965.

These old magazines are wonderful.... many aircraft types represented, many people of importance to the history of aviation, lots of great pictures. I remember some from when I was young. ... my dad and I would sit and look through the issues. I remember he so looked forward to getting the next issue in the mail...

The copies I have aren't in a pristine state. They represent well read used magazines. Some with well dog-eared pages, a couple of hand-written notes, and others with check marks besides names and places....

Chuck Lebrecht was very active during this period. He authored the "Porterfield Club" notes and related articles in many issues. He also authored a "Cover Story" or principle  articles in a couple of issues.

Attached for review and appreciation by all members are Part 1 and Part 2 of The Porterfield Story by Chuck Lebrecht.

Thanks and God Speed Chuck.

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Thank you for this, Bill! Learning the history of Porterfield really helps us all appreciate our old girls that much more.

Thank you Bill! I love learning about the history of the Skinny Bird! It always makes interesting conversation when explaining what a Porterfield is.

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