Porterfield Airplane Club

Keep the Skinny Birds Flying Safely

The 65 hp Collegiate series turns 80 this year.

ATC 720 was issued in 1940.  Would any of us with flyable 65 hp Collegiates want to get together for a mass flyin to the EAA convention in Oshkosh this year?  If there’s enough genuine interest, I’ll contact the Red Barn folks at EAA about getting a special parking spot in the Vintage area, but I’ll need a tail wheel count.  I don’t think we’ll have 80 Collegiates for the 80 year anniversary, but 18 would be nice...


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That would be Awesome! I live in Oshkosh and have been to Airventure the past 14 years. I have only seen 2 different Porterfields at Airventure in the past 14 years. I may have missed a few but they are a rarity at Airventure. What would be really cool is to get a group flyby during the show for the 80th anniversary.

My LP-65 turns 80 this year as well, in August. It truly would be awesome to have a group show up for Airventure to celebrate. I live and am based in Mexico, 50 miles south of Guadalajara. I've laid out the route to KOSH and expect it would take 5 to 6 days to fly one way barring weather or mechanical issues. It would be the flying adventure of a life time for sure.

XB-KXV was registered in the U.S. as NC27250. For more see Sport Aviation May 2013 "HANDS ON" lead article.

I plan to fly my Porterfield to Oshkosh this year, and I'd love to join the crowd.

Own 25539. Based at 88c Palmiria wi about 60 south of OSH   Would flyin to airadventure  public noncontrolled grass strip 200' by 2500'  does have club fuel and club house. Possibilities for staging. We have 3 flying cp65 in the area  

Matt Koblenzer

Sounds like a plan. Can you coordinate? Joe

Sure, I can coordinate...provided that EAA doesn’t cancel the convention.

 I used to fly into Palmyra, back in the late 70’s/early 80’s.  There was an older IA on the field I visited, can’t recall his name though.  I flew out of Burlington and later Playboy.

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