Porterfield Airplane Club

Keep the Skinny Birds Flying Safely

So can you fly the Porterfield from the back seat . I can't find that info. 


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Comment by Andy Gelston on May 17, 2024 at 8:47pm

I had a chat with the ORA ignoramuses who think their Collegiate is a J3 Cub and were treating the old girl quite irreverently when ground handling her. I was NOT impressed!

If you solo from the rear, the CG is too far aft, so she'll wallow around on you and you have to be on the rudder constantly. If you solo from the front, like you're supposed to, you can pretty well fly her with your feet on the floor, provided she's rigged properly and the rudder is straight.

Comment by Bobby Jones on May 2, 2024 at 8:45am


Comment by Mark Shayne on April 29, 2024 at 8:27pm

Hi Bobby, I find that interesting as well. Ours is placarded “solo front seat only.” There’s a YouTube video of them flying a CP 65 at old Rhinebeck aerodrome in New York and soloing from the rear. Ours was originally an LP 65 but now has a Continental A65 I can’t imagine there would be any difference in models as far as where you would solo from. I will do some research as well.

Mark NC27249

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